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The Wellness Network offers community-based mental health and wellness programs, recovery college courses, and peer led services that compliment traditional clinical based mental health care.
The Wellness Network provides a holistic assortment of learning opportunities and activities rooted in recovery-oriented practise.
Find hope at the Wellness Network.
The focus on lived experience provides participants the possibility of finding and maintaining hope, building a meaningful life, re-establishment of a positive identity, and taking responsibility and control of their own lives.
The Wellness Network offers courses, programs and learning opportunities for community members to explore their own wellness and recovery.
Collaborative by design, Wellness Network courses and programs feature co-production and co-facilitation by people with lived experience (PWLE) of mental illness and/or substance abuse, trauma and other barriers.
A Collaborative Space
The Wellness Network’s model of collaboration brings together a wealth of resources, skills and experience committed to providing Edmonton and its surrounding areas with quality program and service options that support optimal mental health, recovery and wellness.
The Wellness Network empowers community members to access opportunities to explore their own recovery and wellness. Participants are encouraged to share their lived experience with others in a supportive environment.

What the Wellness Network Offers
The Wellness Network operates through...
Wellness Dimensions
The Wellness Network acknowledges a number of areas or dimensions of wellness including...
Recovery College
The Wellness Network Recovery College seeks to empower people to share their own story and...
Partners in Wellness
The Wellness Network is a collaboration of local community agencies working in partnership.
Peer Support
The Wellness Network provides Peer Support from PWLE of mental health and/or addictions recovery.