Meet new people while experiencing the benefits of swimming. This program provides you with the opportunity to take part in relaxing, leisure swimming and socializing. All swim abilities are welcome! Please bring a towel, and suitable swimwear (may be made of different fabrics and styles as long as it does not interfere with safety or water quality). All swimwear must be clean and brought to the facility for the purpose of swimming.
•Tuesday: 2:00pm – 3:15pm
•Clareview Swim will be moving over to Commonwealth Recreation Centre (11000 Stadium Rd NW, Edmonton AB) for September and October while the Clareview Pool is closed for maintenance.
•Free with Leisure Access Pass
•For more info, please contact Lisa at 780-405-1264
CL Program Brochure December 2024
The Wellness Network is a safe space for all individuals.
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