Painting at Stanley Milner Library

Pet Nail Trimming at Bissell Centre East

Screen Printing @ Stony Plain Drop-In

Painting @ Stony Plain Drop-In

Community Wellness Connection Program November 2024

Frontline Worker Support Group

Join a support group for frontline workers to share experiences and knowledge through discussion and guided art journaling! This is an opportunity for frontline workers to share knowledge and meet other individuals working in the field. All community, outreach, supportive housing, mental health, and peer workers are welcome to join this space. September 24th Located […]
Painting @ Stanley Milner Library

When: Friday August 30th Time: 1 pm to 3 pm Where: 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Painting Drop-In

Unleash your creativity with the joys of painting, FREE of charge! When: Friday August 16th Time: 2 pm to 4 pm Where: Stony Plain Drop-In (15308 Stony Plain Road)
Beading Drop-In

Unleash your creativity with other crafters! When: Tuesday August 20th Time: 2 pm to 4 pm All materials provided FREE of charge
Karaoke Drop-In

Unleash your voice with Edmonton’s own Doug Robb! When: Tuesday August 13th from 2 pm to 4 pm Where: Stony Plain Drop-In (15308 Stony Plain Road)