Community Linking Program
High quality social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with addictions and/or mental health concerns offered at a low to no cost. It provides opportunities for individuals to socialize with others in their community, develop a wide variety of leisure skills and increase their awareness off leisure opportunities available in Edmonton.

Clareview Fitness
Community Linking aims to provide social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with an addictions.....

Social Scene
Community Linking aims to provide social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with an addictions.....

Clareview Swim
Community Linking aims to provide social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with an addictions.....

Prosper Place Yoga
Community Linking aims to provide social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with an addictions.....

Prosper Place Social Recreation
Community Linking aims to provide social, recreation, and leisure programs for adults with an addictions.....