Course Description:
Over a period of 10 weekly group sessions in-person, learners will work through an interactive workbook (written and illustrated by Michelle Black), to heal and nurture their soul. Learners will have the opportunity to participate in many different writing and hands on exercises to learn new and exciting ways to develop skills, navigate change, find out what their strengths and talents are, and how to become a self advocate for their needs and wants. The learner will have the opportunity to explore what they may be passionate about and find new and exciting ways to Do What They Love and Love What They Do!!!
Learning Outcomes:
Learners will gain insight into their own journey to wellness and what helps them to stay well. The following is an outline of what they will learn:
• What their turning points are
• Understand how to live outside their comfort zone
• The importance of finding out what their strengths and talents are
• How to be a self-advocate for their needs and wants
• How to navigate change
• How to create their own vision board
• To explore what they love to do by going through all the prompts in the workbook
(i.e. journaling, reflecting, colouring, drawing, etc.)
All supplies provided free of charge.
Wednesdays at 1:30 pm-3:30 pm, from October 16th until December 18th
Hosted by Momentum Counselling (6325 Gateway Boulevard NW, Unit #132, Edmonton, AB)
The Wellness Network is a safe space for all individuals.
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